Remembrance Sunday Service & Parade

Remembrance Day – 10th November 2024

This event is held on Remembrance Sunday starting with a Service in front of the Library in the Market Square.

The uniformed groups and residents parade from the Market Square to Potton Cemetery for the Act of Remembrance.

The various organisations will march to the Cemetery in the following order:

Parade Leader
Salvation Army
Clergy and Church Leaders
Flag Bearer(s)
Deputy Lieutenant
Potton Town Council
Ex Service Men and Women
Guides, Brownies and Rainbows
Scouts, Cubs and Beavers
Schools and Pre-schools
Members of the Public
The Fire Service

After the parade there is an opportunity to lay wreaths at the War Memorial. The wreath laying at the War Memorial will be led by the Deputy Lieutenant, the Chairman of the Town Council and the representative of Ex-Service Personnel.

The return journey will be in the same order as the Parade to the Cemetery, other than the Fire Service which will follow the flag bearer(s) in case of an emergency call out.

Download the Remembrance Sunday Order of Service.

what3words locations
Potton Library ///whirlpool.ombudsman.curbed
Cemetery entrance ///forum.diner.scrub
War Memorial ///routs.hurt.solder

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