Latest News and Newsletters

The Potton Town Council Newsletter is published quarterly and the Town Council will keep you informed on this page of any latest news between Newsletters.

  • Local PSCO visit 14th December – Market Square, Potton December 2, 2024

    Your local Police Community Support Officer will be in the Market Square, Potton on Saturday 14th December 2024 at 1pm for one hour.

    Please take this opportunity to raise any concerns you may have and to find out what we are doing to tackle the issues that matter to you.

    Everyone is welcome and it would be great to see you there.

  • Reach & Rescue Pole replaced November 22, 2024

    Henry Smith Playing Fields

    The Reach & Rescue pole that was broken due to vandalism at the end of October has now been replaced for use in case of emergency.

  • Central Bedfordshire Council want your views on their draft Freight Strategy November 11, 2024

    Make sure you let us know your thoughts by 10am, 20th December 2024
    A public consultation on our draft Freight Strategy has begun, closing for comments at 10am, Friday 20th December 2024.

    The draft Freight Strategy sets out our approach to managing freight movements in Central Bedfordshire to support the freight and logistics sector, whilst minimising the negative impacts movements can have on residential communities, and to encourage freight activity to be as sustainable as possible.

    Consultation details
    You can find out more about the draft Freight Strategy and details of how to respond to the consultation on our website.

    Alternatively, responses can be sent by email to or by post to:
    The Strategic Transport Team
    Central Bedfordshire Council
    Priory House
    Monks Walk
    Bedfordshire SG17 5TQ

    Hard copies of the draft Freight Strategy will be available in all of our libraries throughout the consultation.

    Consultation on Draft Freight Strategy 2024

  • Vandalism to essential life saving equipment October 30, 2024
    The emergency rescue pole, which is part of the life saving Reach and Rescue equipment located at the entrance to Henry Smith Playing Fields from Brook End car park, has been snapped off. The emergency throwbag is still available.

    The vandalism has been reported to Bedfordshire Fire and Rescue Service and Bedfordshire Police.
  • Thermal Image Cameras October 28, 2024

    With Winter approaching, do you want to find out where your home is leaking heat?

    Potton Town Council has two thermal image cameras available for residents of Potton to use, one iOS and one Android with lightning adaptors, which can plug into your smartphone.

    There is no charge to borrow the camera, you just need to pay a £200 deposit, which is refundable after the camera has been returned, and you might consider making a donation to allow for maintenance of the cameras and/or additional cameras to be purchased. Suggested donation of £5.

    You can find out more information and download the loan agreement from the town council website

    To make enquiries, contact Mrs Sharon Shaw at

  • Grass Cutting Contract 2025/26 October 25, 2024

    The Town Council is seeking quotes for the Potton Town Council Grass Cutting Contract March 2025 – February 2026.

    The closing date for submissions is by midday on Tuesday 12th November 2024.  Please see our Tenders page or follow the link for details.

  • Register for severe weather updates October 24, 2024

    Don’t get caught out this Winter. Stay ahead of severe weather!

    With Winter just around the corner, it’s more important than ever to stay informed about potential severe weather.

    Make sure you’re subscribed to receive severe weather updates from Central Bedfordshire Council straight to your inbox.

    Register for severe weather updates

  • Taking precautions to fight spike in burglary as the nights lengthen October 21, 2024

    Bedfordshire Police’s specialist residential burglary team – Operation Maze – is urging residents to take precautions to deter thieves as the clocks go back

    It is also posting a video on social media channels offering crime prevention advice.

    Burglaries in the county go up by more than 20 per cent in Autumn as burglars take advantage of longer nights.

    The advice starts with locking doors, and if possible double-locking them. Thieves will be able to “pop” single-locked doors with relative ease.

    Close and secure windows.

    Keep keys and other valuables out of sight and away from letter-boxes.

    If you are going out after dark, close curtains and leave a light on, possibly the TV too. If you are out all day set a timer device to turn lights on automatically.

    Mark your valuables with security ink such as Smartwater. It will deter burglars in the first place and if property is stolen, it makes it easier to return it if it’s recovered.

    Lock up side gates and outbuildings.

    If you have one, set your burglar alarm.

    View more crime prevention advice

  • New Town Councillor September 16, 2024

    Following a meeting of the Town Council on Tuesday 3rd September 2024, members co-opted new councillor Hannah Cairns.  You can read more about Cllr Cairns and all town councillors on our Who We Are page.

    There is currently a vacancy for two town councillors.  Read more on how to apply on our Vacancies page.

  • PCC invites residents to give their view on police plan July 23, 2024

    Police and Crime Commissioner John Tizard has today (Monday 22nd July) launched a consultation survey for the people of Bedfordshire to share their views on the core objectives of his Police and Crime Plan.

    The people of Bedfordshire can feed back on topics relating to improving policing, reforming a broken criminal justice system, protecting victims, and addressing the social and economic causes of crime across the county.

    Residents can also highlight what they think should be prioritised by Bedfordshire Police service.

    The PCC’s missions are set out in the consultation paper which can be found on the PCC’s website.

    Police and Crime Plan Missions:
    • Prevention – work as a partnership to prevent crime.
    • Tackle serious crime – reduce serious and organised crime as well as serious youth violence.
    • Tackle Violence Against Women and Children (VAWC) – reduce violence and protect all women and children.
    • Excellence – deliver an excellent police service and criminal justice system.
    • Local policing – work with local communities to engage, prevent and solve crime and community issues.
    • Victims – put victims at the heart of the criminal justice system.

    John Tizard, Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) said: “When I was elected earlier this year my pledge was to do everything I could as PCC to make Bedfordshire safer for its residents, businesses, and visitors to the county.

    “It is important that there is zero tolerance of all crime wherever it occurs and of the causes of crime.

    “The theme of the Police and Crime Plan to be published in the Autumn is a safer and fairer Bedfordshire, and this is a plan for both social and criminal justice.

    “We must ensure that the rights of individuals and communities are always respected and safeguarded.

    “To tackle crime and make our county safer will require all our local public bodies, businesses, and residents to support this goal.

    “As PCC I am adopting a mission-driven approach to ensure that this police and crime plan is focused on the outcomes that the residents of Bedfordshire want and deserve.

    “I very much look forward to hearing the views and ideas over the next few weeks before I finalise a Police and Crime Plan that will make our county safer and fairer.”

    In his consultation, the PCC has listed his objectives for the first year of his term as short-term goals, he will then consult with stakeholders and the public after this on the longer-term commitments that span over the following three years.

    Residents can complete the survey here:
    For more information, please contact the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner by emailing


Each publication has been compiled and published by Potton Town Council who are the owners of the copyright.  No reproduction is permitted without the express permission of the Council.  Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the various entries within this publication.  In no circumstances can Potton Town Council accept any liability for any loss or damage of any kind which may arise as a result from any error in, or omission of, any entry, artwork or telephone number.  The editorial content is not necessarily the views of the Council.


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