Latest News and Newsletters

The Potton Town Council Newsletter is published quarterly and the Town Council will keep you informed on this page of any latest news between Newsletters.

  • PCC invites residents to give their view on police plan July 23, 2024

    Police and Crime Commissioner John Tizard has today (Monday 22nd July) launched a consultation survey for the people of Bedfordshire to share their views on the core objectives of his Police and Crime Plan.

    The people of Bedfordshire can feed back on topics relating to improving policing, reforming a broken criminal justice system, protecting victims, and addressing the social and economic causes of crime across the county.

    Residents can also highlight what they think should be prioritised by Bedfordshire Police service.

    The PCC’s missions are set out in the consultation paper which can be found on the PCC’s website.

    Police and Crime Plan Missions:
    • Prevention – work as a partnership to prevent crime.
    • Tackle serious crime – reduce serious and organised crime as well as serious youth violence.
    • Tackle Violence Against Women and Children (VAWC) – reduce violence and protect all women and children.
    • Excellence – deliver an excellent police service and criminal justice system.
    • Local policing – work with local communities to engage, prevent and solve crime and community issues.
    • Victims – put victims at the heart of the criminal justice system.

    John Tizard, Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) said: “When I was elected earlier this year my pledge was to do everything I could as PCC to make Bedfordshire safer for its residents, businesses, and visitors to the county.

    “It is important that there is zero tolerance of all crime wherever it occurs and of the causes of crime.

    “The theme of the Police and Crime Plan to be published in the Autumn is a safer and fairer Bedfordshire, and this is a plan for both social and criminal justice.

    “We must ensure that the rights of individuals and communities are always respected and safeguarded.

    “To tackle crime and make our county safer will require all our local public bodies, businesses, and residents to support this goal.

    “As PCC I am adopting a mission-driven approach to ensure that this police and crime plan is focused on the outcomes that the residents of Bedfordshire want and deserve.

    “I very much look forward to hearing the views and ideas over the next few weeks before I finalise a Police and Crime Plan that will make our county safer and fairer.”

    In his consultation, the PCC has listed his objectives for the first year of his term as short-term goals, he will then consult with stakeholders and the public after this on the longer-term commitments that span over the following three years.

    Residents can complete the survey here:
    For more information, please contact the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner by emailing

  • July 2024 Newsletter July 12, 2024

    Delivery of the July 2024 edition of the Potton Town Council newsletter will commence on Friday 12th July with completion by Wednesday 24th July. Look out for your copy!

    If you do not receive your newsletter, please contact and we will endeavour to get one to you.

    You can view the July edition here; we hope you enjoy it!

  • Theft at Potton Community Orchard July 4, 2024

    It is very disappointing to report that the Potton Community Orchard’s ride-on mower and other items of gardening equipment were stolen from the storage container when it was broken in the early hours of Wednesday morning (3rd July 2024).

    The mower was driven through Sims Place, off Hutchinson Rise from the Orchard. If anyone has any information regarding the incident, please report it to Bedfordshire Police on 101 or via

  • Safer Central Youth Survey June 19, 2024
  • Emergency Road Closure – Hatley Road, Potton June 13, 2024

    (CBC Ref: 101849)
    We have been notified of an emergency road closure on Hatley Road, Potton due to a burst water main.
    The road closure is in place from 13th to 19th June 2024.

  • D-Day 80 Commemorations 2024 June 10, 2024

    The D Day commemoration took place on Thursday 6th June 2024.

    Potton’s Town Crier, Carlton Avison, and Vice-Chairman of Potton Town Council’s Events Committee, Denis Ellison were joined by ex-serviceman David Thompson and ex-servicewoman Sarah Chapman at 8am on Thursday 6th June for The Proclamation for the D-Day 80 Commemorations.

    The evening event included the lighting of the Beacon by Mrs Ruth Lloyd MBE JP DL, with readings by Sarah Chapman, Youth Councillor Evie Avison and Councillor Vicki Gwilliam. Also retired Navy Captain David Tall OBE RN read a prayer.

    The evening was completed with the accolade of Freeman of Potton being awarded to Carlton Avison, for his service and dedication to the community of Potton. This is only the second time that this honour has been bestowed by the Town Council.

  • Henry Smith Play Area Pedestrian Entrances May 23, 2024

    The new tarmac surfacing is to the pedestrian entrances to Henry Smith Playing Fields on Brook End is now complete.
    They will be open for the bank holiday weekend.

  • **UPDATE** Acts of vandalism at Henry Smith Playing Fields and Mill Lane Recreation Ground May 23, 2024

    The replacement dog bag dispenser at Mill Lane Recreation Ground has now been installed.
    The dispenser at the entrance to Henry Smith Playing Fields from Brook End Car Park has also been installed.

    The Town Council is disappointed to report that the dog bag dispenser has been stolen from the Brook End car park at Henry Smith Playing Fields.

    Also, the dog bag dispenser at Mill Lane Recreation Ground has been vandalised; prised open and all the dog bags taken.

    Replacements will be ordered and installed as soon as possible.

    Please accept our apologies for any inconvenience caused.

  • Ladies Public Toilets REOPENED May 23, 2024

    The Ladies Public Toilets have been cleaned are now reopened.
    Thanks go to our caretaker for dealing with this issue so quickly.

    The Ladies Public Toilets are closed due to misuse.

  • Walk-in vaccination clinics for families this summer May 21, 2024

    Vaccination clinics for families with children under 5 years

    With measles cases rising across the UK and childhood vaccination rates declining, it’s crucial to ensure your children are up to date with their vaccinations.

    Throughout the Summer, walk-in vaccination clinics for families with children under 5 years are available at local venues. There’s no need to book, you can just pop in. The clinics will be held at the following venues:

    Shefford Children’s Centre
    Monday 27 May, 12:30 – 3:30pm
    Monday 24 June, 12:30 – 3:30pm
    Monday 22 July, 12:30 – 3:30pm
    Monday 26 August, 12:30 – 3:30pm

    Sandy Children’s Centre
    Wednesday 29 May, 9am to 3:30pm
    Wednesday 24 July, 9am to 3:30pm
    Wednesday 28 August, 9am to 3:30pm

    Can’t make these dates?
    Further dates and times are available across Bedfordshire, Luton, and Milton Keynes. You can find these by visiting the BLMK Health and Care Partnerships website.

    When are vaccinations due?
    You can check what vaccinations are due and when by referring to the NHS vaccination schedule. Additionally, you can check if your child is up to date with their vaccinations by referring to their red book or by contacting your GP.


Each publication has been compiled and published by Potton Town Council who are the owners of the copyright.  No reproduction is permitted without the express permission of the Council.  Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the various entries within this publication.  In no circumstances can Potton Town Council accept any liability for any loss or damage of any kind which may arise as a result from any error in, or omission of, any entry, artwork or telephone number.  The editorial content is not necessarily the views of the Council.


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